Thursday, July 24, 2008


A few quick things to note as I'm sitting at my computer in San Diego, waiting to take a shower...

The Past Few Weeks:

I got to see Ricky Gervais perform live at the Kodak Theater in Hollywood while (luckily) sitting front row center. Ricky was great, with his timing and anecdotes coming off than anything you can find in his YouTube clips. Let's also note that instead of sipping from a bottle or glass of water, like most comedians do during their sets, Ricky nursed a giant can of Foster's Beer. The show was hilarious.

Sometime after the Gervais performance, I scored tickets to a sold-out Ratatat show. The venue was very cool, cool being the crowd wasn't too hipster and the area wasn't too. They played a lot of stuff off their latest record, LP3, which is to be expect, but everything they played from 2006's Classics sounded great. And yes, they eventually played "Seventeen Years." It was the closing song from their encore and the vibrant track sounded even better live.

I didn't get any pictures, but during their perfromance, they projected a whole hunch of strange videos, like the Predator one I posted a few weeks ago. Here's the video backdrop for the song "Flynn." It's entertaining if, y'know, you're a fan of VH1 Classic or Chevy Chase.

This Week:

I'm in San Diego for Comic Con, which is why I haven't touched a computer recently. More updates on this ridiculous event when I get back to L.A. on Monday.


1 comment:

mad anaphora said...

ratatat!! no fair teej