Thursday, July 3, 2008

Artist Spotlight

This feature exists for three reasons: to give my fingers a break, to give your ears some homework, and to expose you to fantastic bands that you may or may not have heard of.


A band as heavily accoladed as Pavement requires almost no introduction. They're staple members of the indie rock community, being one of the first bands ever to obtain significant success sans a major record label. To put it plainly, the band is the first prominent "indie band."

Not only is Pavement one of my favourite bands, but it surprises me how few people I know listen to them. So, for your listening pleasure, I've selected 15 tracks that I feel make an excellent primer to the music that is Pavement's.

I did make some rules for myself when selecting the curated songs. First, no more than three songs from any given album; a crucial restriction seeing as how the band's first two albums, Slanted and Enchanted and Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain, are masterpieces. Second, include one song from each album; an obvious choice for a rounded listening experience. And finally, include more than one track outside of the band's LP discography.


Shady Lane off Brighten the Corners
Trigger Cut off Slanted and Enchanted
Shoot the Singer (1 Sick Verse) off Watery Domestic EP
Stereo off Brighten the Corners
Zürich Is Stained off Slanted and Enchanted
Grave Architecture off Wowee Zowee
Silence Kit off Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain
I Love Perth off Pacific Trim EP
Strings of Nashville b-side off the Gold Soundz Single
Frontwards off Watery Domestic EP
In the Mouth a Desert off Slanted and Enchanted
Gold Soundz off Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain
At&T off Wowee Zowee
Grounded off Wowee Zowee
Spit on a Stranger off Terror Twilight

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