Friday, April 18, 2008

Artist Spotlight: The Dodos

Welcome to the first feature for Artist Spotlight. I decided that with my mixtape feature, I've got individual songs covered, and with my album of the week feature, I've got albums covered, but what about artists? Realizing I didn't have a feature where I could talk about artist that are worth highlighting, I've decided to do a weekly "artist spotlight" where I discuss a musician or band that I enjoy, recently or otherwise.

In this feature, I'll post a quick written summary of the artist's work as well as a sampling of some of their best tunes, put into playlist form.

This week, we have The Dodos, the acoustic rock duo out of San Fransisco.

I've talked about the band on the blog before, so rather then throw more words onto the page, I'm just going to post some pictures from their amazing show I saw live this past Wednesday night.

Note: I took a lot more than seven pictures at the show. Instead of swamping this entry with photos, I implore everyone who'd like to see more to check out the Flickr folder I created for the rest of my concert photography...

More Dodos Photos

More Dodos Photos

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i am still overly jealous you got to go to dodos and i was in savannah and couldn't go with you. this summer! can't wait.