Sunday, February 24, 2008


The Citizen Insane Media Blog
is weekly updated by yours truly and comes with these fresh weekly features…

- The Monday Mixtape: a weekly grouping of songs, both new and old, that I think people might want to check out. I’ll be adding around 5 songs, with explainations, to the playlist every week.

- Art of the Week: Released mid-week, I’ll highlight a particular album or film, again old or new, that I want to expound about.

- YouTube Fridays: A simple posting of video(s) I find funny, interesting, etc.

- The Sunday Loom: A theoretical tabula rasa, on Sundays I’ll post undemanding musings on pop culture, movies, television, music, comics, photography, or whatever.

And the blog will also include…

- Photos of any recently attended concert or live event.

- Any music or film reviews I’ve done as the astute journalist that I am (with specific attention to anything I have published).

- News Feed: Any noteworthy information I feel is imperative to share.

Question/comments are always welcome/appreciated.

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